Usually British Airways & Air Lingus flights
Ok so you’ve flown all this way and have safely landed – now what? Well rest assured we have been tracking your flight and if there have been any delays we have accounted for them and will still be waiting for you. Make sure you have your phone turned on (if you have one) as soon as you can – just in case you want to text us for any reason.
You should also have this information on your pre-arrival documentation but it’s handy to know it’s on-line as well just in case.
You will be arriving into the new terminal “C”. You will collect your luggage and then go through Immigration. Once you exit into the arrival lounge your driver will be waiting for you with a sign with your name on it. There are 2 exits you can take, depending on which Immigration line you are in, but once you exit out to the middle you will see an escalator ending from the lower floor, the driver will in this area.
If by chance you do not see anyone with a sign, please head to your left and on the wall by the bathrooms you will see 2 telephones. These are free to use. Call one of our contact numbers (407 864 2290 or 407 455 4202) and we will find you. You may also text if your phone has a signal.